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Wednesday, November 16, 2005

A little surprise is in the mail!

Well! I am very excited, and relieved. I have faithfully surrendered a package to the U.S. mail to be carried Eastward to my dear friend Stephanie in Cabin John, Maryland! Isn't that just a lovely sounding name for a town Cabin John...and her address is even better Cypress Grove Lane. So sweet!

Hey Stephanie! Look out over there!

So, here is a hint (a very lame one at that) for what she is receiving in the post.

Like I said, lame hint. But since Stephanie has done such an outstanding job with the KTC book exchange and the KTC site I threw in a few extra little trinkets!

On the knitting front not much happening. I have picked up all the billions of heel stitches on those tiny "0000" needles. What ever possessed me to knit that small. The end result in quite fine (ha ha ha!) but still it is time consuming. I might possibly do it again but then again "0"s might be just fine enough.


Comments on "A little surprise is in the mail!"


Blogger Stephanie said ... (11:46 AM) : 

Oooh! Now I'm excited too. I got so excited about sending out my gift that I forgot I was getting one too. :) What a surprise to take a peek at your site and see my name! And in the same post as Jane Austen as well - makes me feel famous. I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy! If I'm getting something to do with Jane Austen in the mail then you and I have the same idea of what a "classic" is. :) I'm such a fan that I watched the Colin Firth P&P version on tv last night - even though I have it on dvd...I'm a geek.

I'm told that there actually is a historical cabin apparently built by some guy named John around here somewhere but I have never seen it. Clara Barton's house is just down the road though. :)You should stop by if you are ever in the neighborhood.


Blogger Stephanie said ... (9:21 PM) : 

Alice - I already blogged about your lovely favorite classic swap gifts but I also wanted to say thank to you! I am really looking forward to reading Persuasion as my reward for (hopefully!) finishing NaNoWriMo.

I'm sure you have seen the movie with Amanda Root & Ciran Hinds (did I spell that right?) - anyhow what did you think? Personally I LOVED both of them in that movie. My favorite bit is right at the end when they hold hands...sigh. So romantic.

My favorite bit in the book (and I loved in the movie as well) was when the familly just goes back and forth forcing Anne into the position of peacemaker. That was just so real!

Well - thanks again! Good luck with the rest of NaNo!


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