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Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Happy Halloween

Okay so no significant knitting has been going on, just working on the socks still trying to get the time together to start on the OSW (one skein wonder) I wanted to start last weekend.

Also plugging away at finished the Mystery of Udolpho for the Knit the Classics...I got my book exchange buddy today and I'm excited! Actually by receiving buddy already knows who I am but I still don't know who has me!! Goody! I think that since my buddy knows what is going on (she is the coordinator) that I will have to come up with an extra special surprise for her! Let's just ponder that shall we!

Today also starts National Novel Writing Month and even though I didn't get close to the mark last year I enjoyed the game so I am signed up for this year too. The trick is to make it a goal to write anything, I would die if I made the goal to finish the novel! There is way too much to do as it is, the writing is just another form of therapy. If I didn't like sleeping so much I would have so much more time! But curling up in a warm bed under my Chinese silk comforter is just too happy a thought. Ahhhhhh!

We did have a good turn out for the TAS Halloween Special public night! We had games for the kids and I did a presentation on debunking bad astronomy in a lime green cat costume. Mars sat behind some haze but people were able to see it or at least say they saw it so it wasn't a complete loss. All the experiments worked out fine but I wish I had taken pictures of the event, it would have been fun.

We also squeezed in a brewing session on Sunday so I have an Irish porter burping away in my laundry room! Smelled good yesterday so we will see how things are going when I get home from work.

Have to run, too much work and too much to do...Scout night, NaNoWriMo month, getting ready for the weekend retreat etc.