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Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Happy Knitters and Feet-to-Be!

So I have to show off "The Group"!

Now don't let all this industrious head-down-hard-at-work body language fool ya. This crew is chatting madly and so into their own knitting (and everyone else's) that they don't even know the picture is being taken! (Thanks! Charlie!) Unfortunately we are missing Deb and Ingrid from the picture. They really do exist...I swear!

Now Noreen and Gwen have a reason to be heads down, tongue sticking out, deep in concentration...they are pulling out the waste yarn of their socks and picking up the stitches for the heels!

Gwen had the additional incentive of not being allowed to see the new "Knitting Over the Edge" book that Belinda brought in to share...evil Alice made her finish picking up those stitches!!! Bad! Bad! Zoot!

So both Gwen and Noreen have their heel stitches on their needles and are ready to go...and the crowd rejoices!!!

Oh! I found a delightful 'tips-and-tricks' page is from Nona who I am appreciating more and more everyday! Thanks to Nona!

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