A lovely surprise!
"One cannot divine nor forecast the conditions that will make happiness; one only stumbles upon them by chance, in a lucky hour, at the world's end somewhere, and holds fast to the days ..." ![]() This is the quote that opens the lovely book "Maiden Voyages" that Teabird sent me as part of our KTC book exchange. I just happened to be listening to the above song while I flipped through the pages so it was really special! I love to travel and don't get the opportunity to venture out very often but I have been blessed with two very special trip with Girl Scouts so I have the bug for sure. When I flipped the book over and looked at the quote on the back I almost cried with laughter! Take no offence fellow crafters..... "If the exploring of foreign lands is not the highest end or the most useful occupation of feminine existence, it is a least more improving, as well as more amusing, than crochet work." Melanie included a lovely journal for me to capture my next big adventure! It was so thought full of her to take the time to get to know me a little! Thanks Teabird, I love them! ![]() It was a good weekend for movies! I took my daughter and her friend to see the new "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" on Friday after school and then on Sunday the same friend and her mother joined us to go see the new "Pride and Prejustice". Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle and nothing to worry about. Keira Knightly didn't come close to capturing Elizabeth Bennet and she seemed forced, silly, and a screen hog. As Darcy, Matthew MacFadyen has potential, they should have given him more screen time and not taken away so many of his great lines. Now on a positive note! Judi Dench was wonderful as Lady Catherine de Bourg, she terrified me! The supporting cast was good, actually I think they cast Jane and Mary wonderfully and they did a great job Kitty and Lydia were passable. The location shots were beautiful. I would love to find all those wonderful old trees they used and sit back and enjoy the scenery. The soundtrack is absolutely AMAZING! I would really be surprised if it didn't take an Oscar, it is just stunning. There were a couple of scenes that I liked, the dance scene when they ended up dancing alone was a good effect and I love the final scene. It is worth going to see the movie to enjoy the music and scenery but if you are a big fan of the Firth and Ehle duo then be prepared that it isn't going to be a satisfying....but then again HOW do you take "Pride and Prejudice" and cram it into 2 hours?!? Ah! I'm better now. Knitting didn't happen this weekend and neither did any writing for NaNoWriMo so I am going to close this post and get busy!! |
Comments on "A lovely surprise!"
Hi Alice!!
The crocheting comment is a hoot, isn't it? Maybe these travelling ladies were too busy fending off the giant flies, or controlling their amourous camels, to have time to knit...
Let me know if you enjoy the book, and (very, very important) what kind of tea you'll be brewing in that lovely little teapot! (I'm partial to plain, black, Indian teas like Assams or orange pekoes, myself, but lately I've been flirting with a blackberry-flavored tea from The Republic of Tea...
(A Chinese teapot, a Chinese silk comforter.... could the NaNo be about China?)
Shalom -- melanie