I did it!!!
Okay with 13 minutes and 47 seconds to go before midnight on November 30th I did it, I finished my first NaNoWriMo! ![]() That's right stand up and applaud!!! Wahoo! Oh wait, you don't know what NaNoWriMo is? Okay each year starting on the first day of November hundreds, no thousands, in fact this year about 60,000 people from around the world scraped every bit of free time they had to try and write their very own 50,000 word novel. Hey, it is harder than you think! The writing is a challenge but the hardest part is finding the TIME! In 2003 I was a lurker, in 2004 I got about half way through and then died about Thanksgiving but this year I finished. Now my novel isn't done and it is a whole bunch of crap but I did get 50,083 word done and turned in before my monitor turned into a pumpkin so I am counting that as good! So what did I win my kids asked? Well nothing but I did get a coooool button to stick on my sidebar! Well I at least think it is cool. (See! Look! It's over there! -->) Stephanie, one of the creators of the Knit the Classics site finished daaaays ago and in the process I found out that Melanie (Teabird) was also a NaNoWriMo slave so I will have to find out how she did as well. It was a great experience and I will definitely do it again but I will make sure that I don't plan a single solitary knitting project during the entire month! I'm tired and I just realized it is December, so off to bed with me! I don't think I will be typing for a while in fact I think I will just switch to quill and ink for a month or so and write some plain, simple, short letters. 'Nite all. |
Comments on "I did it!!!"
You did it! Hooray!!!It felt good to finish didn't it? :)
My mom asked me "what I was going to write about next time"......
Congratulations!! What a great feeling that must be. Definitely, now, switch to pen and ink (I like the Phileas, myself, with an xf nib, and some nice, smooth stationery) and take some long, deep breaths.......
Oh, I wish I'd finished - but I got much, much farther than I ever did before. Maybe 20,000 words, all told - better yet, I want to continue with this one!